LIMS Videos

Lockbox LIMS Modules and Features

This series of videos showcases the different modules available in Lockbox LIMS.

LIMS Sample Tracking

This video covers: sample tracking, sample testing, sample storage and sample barcoding.

LIMS Material Management

This video covers: inventory tracking, inventory barcoding, and automated alerts and notifications for inventory ordering.

LIMS Protocol Execution

This video covers: Sample plating, stepwise protocol execution, inventory usage tracking, and data import and export.

LIMS Instrument Management

This video covers: Lockbox LIMS instrument calendar, automated alerts for calibration and preventative maintenance and equipment management.

LIMS Storage Management

This video covers: sample storage, Lockbox LIMS’s storage hierarchy, and a simple LIMS configuration.

LIMS Next Generation Sequencing

This video runs through an NGS workflow: DNA extraction, library preparation, library pooling, flow cells, and sample sheet generation.

Lockbox LIMS Barcoding Feature

This video explores Lockbox LIMS barcoding feature which can be used to print scannable barcodes for samples, plates, inventory, and equipment in your lab.

Lockbox LIMS Plate Map Feature

Lockbox LIMS plate map feature gives users the ability to manage plated samples and libraries. You can configure plate size, add and remove samples from plates, and reserve wells within the plate for reference standards and controls.

How to use Lockbox LIMS

This series provides administrators and users with quick How to videos to help them configure and use Lockbox LIMS.

Making a Custom Checkbox Field in Lockbox LIMS

In this video you will learn how to make a custom checkbox field in Lockbox LIMS. Custom fields allow users to display and record important data and information.

Configuring List Views in Lockbox LIMS

In this video you will learn how to configure and use list views in Lockbox LIMS. List views are lists of the records within an object. You can create custom list views using filters and then edit fields within list views to make changes to records.

Configuring tabs in Lockbox LIMS

In this video you will learn how to configure tabs in your Lockbox LIMS modules. You can add new tabs, remove tabs, and rearrange the order of tabs.

Editing Page Layouts in Lockbox LIMS

In this video you will learn how to customize page layouts in Lockbox LIMS. Editing page layouts is used to change what information is shown on record pages and how the record pages are laid out.

Configuring Inherited Fields in Lockbox LIMS

In this video you will learn how to configure inherited fields in Lockbox LIMS. Inherited fields describe the information that is passed down from parent to child records such as sample type and date of collection.

Select the Fields that Appear in Related Lists

In this video you will learn how to select and reorder the fields that get displayed in related lists.

Changing the Values in a Picklist

In this video you will learn how to add, reorder, and delete the values in a picklist field.

Making a Custom Picklist Field in Lockbox LIMS

In this video you will learn how to make a custom picklist field in Lockbox LIMS. A picklist is a list of values that users can select from.

Other LIMS Resources

This series provides an introduction to lims systems to help you better understand what a lims is and how you can use lims software in your lab.

What is a LIMS?

In this video you will learn what a laboratory information management systems (lims) is and how a lims system like Lockbox LIMS can benefit your lab.

Top 10 Essential LIMS Features

In this video we review the top 10 essential features of a LIMS system including sample tracking, inventory management, workflow tracking, and sample barcoding.
