Since its founding in 2014, Third Wave Analytics has been continuously innovating Lockbox LIMS, the world’s most user friendly laboratory information management system (LIMS). Each new release of the Lockbox LIMS application is listed below, along with a brief summary of the enhancements contained in each release. Customers can click on the link to the right which will take you to our knowledgebase, which contains the detailed release notes for each feature listed below.
Version & Release Date
Release Highlights
Detailed Release Notes
(Customer Portal access required)
(Customer Portal access required)
- Size Controls for Flow Supported Action Launched in a New Window: This enhancement expands the modal size controls introduced in Lockbox 2.0 with the ability to control the size of windows created with the “New Window” behavior.
- Clinical Release: Verified on Winter ‘25
- Optional Size Parameters For Flow Supported Action Modal: This feature gives administrators control over the size (options include small, medium, large, or fields to set specific widths and heights in px or em) of the modal window.
- Toggle To Control Date and Time Matching: Lockbox uses your locale settings and its own matching algorithm to match Date and Time data during CSV imports. This enhancement allows administrators to disable Lockbox’s matching algorithm to better control data flow especially in locations outside the United States.
- New Custom Objects Discrepancy and Discrepancy Type: New Discrepancy and Discrepancy Type Objects have been added to Lockbox. These objects are intended to capture minor issues during clinical accessioning which must be tracked and resolved.
- Critical Bug Fix for Supported Actions: This release is a critical bug fix that addresses a potential data integrity issue that could occur when using supported actions. The bug arises when records on the page are updated in specific ways by background processes or users while the page is open.
- Approved Trainer Creation Update: Users are now able to enter the name of the new Training Course that is automatically created in Lockbox when a user adds an Approved Trainer to a record that has no Training Courses. This update also gives the User the ability to choose between multiple Training Courses if they exist under one record.
- Additional Controls and Bypass for Team Member Course Creation: Users now have the ability to configure the delay between modifying Training Courses and the recalculation of Team Member Course records.
- Invokable Team Member Course Recalculation: This enhancement contains a new invokable Apex action to recalculate the Team Member Course Records for the organization. This adds flexibility for organizations with a large number of Team Members or Training Courses.
- Pathway Map Default Visibility and Bug Fixes: This enhancement gives users more descriptive errors, and user controls, and eliminates the caching issue when adding new template pathways. Admins can toggle the Pathway Decision Widget to display the Pathway Map by default. Pathway records now default to Template type on creation.
- Additional Functionality for Approve Reject Widget: Now when the user does not have a pending approval, the Approve Reject widget will display the Pathway map.
- Approved Traininer Relationship on Training Course: To provide ongoing flexibility within the Lockbox Platform, the Approved Trainer lookup has been updated to reference Training Course, allowing the User to add Training to new objects by updating the Training Course object. This change also includes a new Qualifications field on Approve Trainer to capture data about what qualifies the trainer.
- CAPAs: The Corrective and Preventive Action (CAPA) object was added to allow users to track trends in negative events that occur in organizations. Fields that are available out of the box include CAPA Type, CAPA Type, CAPA ID, CAPA Status, Assigned To (Team Member), CAPA Description, CAPA Plan, Due Date, Target Due Date, Describe Verification Method and Evidence of Closure. CAPAs can be approved via the new Pathway approval system.
- Deviations: The Deviation object is now available to capture when an event diverges from an accepted idea, policy, or norm of behavior. The Deviation can be defined with several fields: Date of Occurrence, Description, its Expectation (Planned/Unplanned), Days to Resolve, Description, and Team Member that caused it. Deviations are also designed to capture information about the investigation into the root cause and status and users can set a timeline for completing the inquiry.
- Controlled Document and Versions: The Controlled Document Object has had significant design changes to support the Quality Management System. For better connection structure and integration into the new Training and Pathway process, we have released two new objects: Document Overview and Document Version to replace the existing Controlled Document object. Existing legacy objects will continue to function, but no new functionality is planned for those objects.
- Pathway Approval for Controlled Documents, Deviations, and CAPAs: This new feature applies to the QMS objects Controlled Document, Deviation, and CAPA and makes it possible to record approval processes with Pathways. Users can configure Pathway, Pathway Step, and Pathway Team Member Association records and then use the Route For Approval button to begin the process.
- Team Member Training: Users can record and require Team Members' training on a Controlled Document, Equipment, or Protocol. Team Members can be assigned one or many Roles that have a specific set of Curricula that denote the required Training Course of a Controlled Document and the interval at which retraining is needed. Training can be “self-taught” or Approved Trainers can train Team Members after completion, a Training Record is created, recording the actual time of the training and session notes.
- Training Summarization and Report Card: The Report Card Lightning Web Component is used to visualize current training requirements for either a specific Team Member or for the lab as a whole. This component can be added to a stand-alone Custom Lightning Page or added to the Team Member Lightning page. This feature is supplemental to the Team Member Course object, as it provides a snapshot of current training where as the Team Member Course object is capable of reporting on training status for a historical date.
- Pathway Approval Emails: This feature allows users to have configurable email alerts for key steps in the Pathway approval process.
- Document Review Task Creation: Users can automatically create a task for Document Owners to review the document when its review period has elapsed using a flow.
- Team Member Course Junction Object: Lockbox QMS introduces the Team Member Course object. This record is created automatically when team members are associated with roles or new Training Course records are created. Each record captures the latest training status for a given team member, and along with the Team Member Course History object provides a historical record of training status. Note: Due to the potentially large number of records that could be created automatically, Team Member Course records are created in a background process on a time delay. So by default, records appear 3 minutes after a triggering database event. This delay can be controlled or bypassed in Lockbox 1.96
- Retain CSV File After Import: Admins can configure the CSV importer tool to retain the imported file as an attachment on the CSV import record.
- Sample Set Child Number Counter Bypass: An optional trigger bypass was created to prevent Lockbox from assigning Sample Child Number Counters.
- Flow Cell Type Object: A custom object was added called Flow Cell Type. This object is intended to hold information about brand, model, or catalog number of the flow cell.
- Released Report Objects: New objects, Released Report, Released Report History, and Released Report Comment, were added to facilitate future development of the managed package.
- Create Virtual Libraries for Virtual Plates: This enhancement matches the behavior of the Associate Libraries button on Virtual Plates and makes it possible to indicate that Libraries should have an association to the Plate object instead of a direct relationship.
- Automatically Hide Lot Numbers Column: This enhancement changed the behavior of Protocol Execution by automatically hiding the “Lot Number” column if no Input Materials are associated with the Procedure.
- Flexible Display of Start and Complete Buttons: With this enhancement, Lockbox users can now display Timestamp Buttons on a subset of steps during Protocol Execution.
- Flow Supported Action - Close Button: A close button was added to the model created by the Flow Supported Action. Clicking the close button terminates the flow and returns the user to Protocol Execution.
- Flexible Fieldset Column Width: This enhancement enables fields added to the execute Procedure page via the ‘Execute Procedure Columns’ fieldset to have dynamic width.
- Hidden Copy to Selected Rows Option: With this enhancement the Copy to Selected Rows option is not visible when only one row of data is being edited.
- Clinical Release: Verified on Spring '24 preview
- Autogeneration of Aliquots from Aliquots: This enhancement allows users to automatically generate aliquot sample records from other aliquots.
- New Custom Supported Action - Query: Users can define a Custom Supported Action Query that allows editing any object from Procedure Execution. This custom supported action incorporates advanced functionality from the Salesforce Object Query Language (SOQL). It is defined by a custom metadata record which allows it to be reused between multiple protocols and procedures.
- New Custom Supported Action - Flow: Users can define a Custom Supported Action Flow that will launch a flow directly from Procedure Execution. This custom supported action is defined by a custom metadata record making it easy to reuse in multiple protocols and procedures.
- CSV Import Support for Non-Unique Record Type Names: This enhancement corrected a page crash error that would result when a user attempted to import records with ‘RecordTypeId’ where the record type’s name was not unique.
- Support for defining CSV Import Types: This new feature allows users to set CSV imports to only add new records, update existing records, add new records and update existing records, or prompt user.
- CSV Import via Hash: This new feature makes it possible for users to define a hash value of multiple columns to detect duplicate records or update existing ones.
- CSV Import Columns Reused in Multiple Definitions: This enhancement enables users to use an Import Definition column metadata record with more than one import definition.
- Date and Time Literals Allowed: With this enhancement, Lockbox recognizes date and time literals (today, yesterday, tomorrow, and now) and translates them into the correct numerical date and time.
- Define Default Values for CSV Import Columns: Lockbox users can now use default values to fill in missing data in a CSV or to insert columns that were not included. Default values are supported for the following field types: Text, Numerical, Picklist, Multi-select Picklist, Lookup Relationship, and Record Type.
- Support for large plates on the Mass Test Updates Page: This enhancement increases the number of visible result fields to 9600 when using the Enter Test Result page in Protocol Execution.
For example, result fields are now visible for a plate containing 96 samples each with 100 tests containing one result field, or a plate with 48 samples each with 50 tests containing four result fields.
- Automation Log Custom Object. This new custom object captures details about automated events including Request Detail, Response Detail, Log Type, and Log Status.
- Multiple Result Fields on Test Object. This enhancement allows the capture of multiple results in Tests. The field will appear in Protocol Execution for Sample-based and Plate-based protocols.
- CSV Import Behavior Enhancement. All CSV file import definitions now specify desired behavior (abort import, import and ignore warnings, or import and show warnings) when a lookup value is not found in the database.
- Increased Filter Criteria. A filter can now support approximately 20 criteria.
- Clinical Release: Verified on Spring '23
- Layout Change For Edit Record Models: Edit Record Model windows that appear under Edit Plate, Edit Procedure, and Edit Protocol now display user input below each field label, which prevents any overlap between the field label and input area.
- New Study Custom Object: A new custom object allows tracking of clinical or scientific research studies.
- New Shipment Custom Object: A new custom object enables seamless tracking of incoming, outgoing, and internal shipments.
- New Delimiter Selector For Procedure Execution Test Data Import: This new feature allows specification of a delimiter when importing test results during Protocol Execution. The selection is saved as the default for any future imports.
- New Kit Custom Object: This new feature allows entering of records that represent a testing kit or a collection of inventories used by a provider, patient, or client.
- Optional override for protocol execution column width: The width of the instructions text box can be set at a defined pixel size or a percent of the screen.
- Maintenance release - contains general system improvements for long term support.
- Automatically add Protocols via Invokable Method: Protocols and workflows can be automatically added to samples and plates without the need to manually click ‘Select Protocol.’
- Alternate Column Highlight in Protocol Execution: Easily distinguish between columns in protocols.
- Automatically receive Missing Column Warning in Protocol Execution CSV Imports: Receive alerts when data is missing in a CSV import.
- Protocol Execution CSV Import Column Matching Validation Rule: An error is displayed if column headers in a CSV import don’t match the column headers in the procedure data entry page.
- Insert Null Value Behavior Set at Step: Null values in a CSV can be ignored or overwritten with existing data on a per step basis, per user specifications.
- Box Map HTML Handling Improvements: Hyperlinks are automatically properly formatted.
- Updated Error Message For Duplicate Sample Names: An alert and clear description is displayed for any errors encountered.
- New Custom Reservation feature: Collect all information about an instrument reservation, including start/end dates and times, plus information about the user holding the reservation.
- Scan to Select Inventory: Users now have the option to directly select inventory by scanning barcodes. This delivers more control during inventory selection and prioritizes physically available inventory.
- Confirm Inventory and Execute: Laboratories can now control the inventory reservation process with a pre-execution check to determine if all material requirements are satisfied before a procedure begins. If the pre-execution check determines additional inventory records are required, a list is displayed. Once material requirements are met, users are seamlessly redirected to protocol execution.
- CSV Import: Skip Rows if Equal: ‘Skip if Equals’ is now available to designate an exact and case sensitive value for the CSV import tool to ignore. No records will be inserted or updated. Multiple columns in the same import can have a ‘Skip if Equals' value, but each column may have only one. A blank value can be designated by using the appropriate string.
- Clinical Release: Verified on Summer '22
- New Create Inventory and Update Inventory Supported Actions: Lab users can now create or update inventory within the steps of a procedure.
- Auto Completion of Procedures with No Steps: Procedures without underlying steps can now be auto-completed. When ‘Execute Procedure’ is selected, a message displays indicating the procedure is auto-completing, and the status will update.
- New ‘Edit Protocol’ Supported Action: Protocol fields can be edited during protocol execution by selecting the new ‘Edit Protocol’ option.
- Inventory Creation Scaling: Create and update inventory within the steps of a procedure via new supported actions.
- Headless Protocols and Procedures: Execute a protocol or procedure without a parent plate or sample (a.k.a. headless). Headless procedures can be created by themselves, or via headless protocols within child procedures. These can be used when the purpose of the protocol or procedure is to create or consume inventory, or when supported actions that don’t require a parent object are used.
- Sortable Procedure Execution Data Entry Columns: Columns on data entry pages within protocol execution are sorted by default by the first column on the page, when the page opens. Users can then select the column header to sort the rows by that column. The samples on the page sort like an Excel page (e.g. Sample 1, Sample 10, Sample 11, Sample 12, Sample 2). For accurate sorting, zeros are included before the sample number (e.g. Sample 01, Sample 02, Sample 03).
- New Validation Rule for Consumption Overage: This new feature prevents users from using most overage fields when the consumption basis is set to Plate, or not specified.
- New Material Consumption Overage Calculation: Users can now specify overage amounts when materials are consumed during protocol execution. Overage amounts can be designated on materials set to be consumed via a ‘Consumption Basis.’ For countable items, the following calculations are now supported: extra quantity per unit, extra units for quantity calculation, and extra quantity percentage per unit. For measurable items the following calculations are now supported: extra amount per unit, extra units for amount calculation, and extra amount percentage.
- New Parent Record Type Identifier on Material Record: The ‘Parent Record Type’ displays the type of protocol or procedure the material record is associated with (template or functional), to help users easily know if they are editing the correct material record.
- New Protocol Training Junction Object: This new object serves as a junction between Protocols and Team Members to record which team members are authorized to run a protocol.
- Page Enhancements - Associate Samples to Plate and Associate Libraries to Plate: These pages are updated to include features introduced in version 1.70 to the Add Samples and Add Libraries pages. These features include:
-The use of ‘shift’ to select a range of samples, with selected records remembered on subsequent pages
-Click anywhere in a row (not just the checkbox) to select the record
-The total number of records selected is displayed at the bottom of the page
-The header is sticky and persists while scrolling through records
-The search function searches through all fields displayed in the columns
- Page Enhancements - ‘Add Libraries to Pool,’ ‘Add Libraries to Lane,’ and ‘Add Pools to Lane: These pages now include features rolled out in version 1.70 to the ‘Add Samples’ and ‘Add Libraries’ pages, along with a new de-selection feature that appears when an index clash occurs. These features include:
-The use of ‘shift’ to select a range of samples, with selected records remembered on subsequent pages
-Click anywhere in a row (not just the checkbox) to select the record
-The total number of records selected is displayed at the bottom of the page
-The header is sticky and persists when scrolling through records
-The search function searches through all fields displayed in the columns
-If an index clash is detected between any library or pool added to a lane, all libraries or pools are deselected when the error message appears
- New ‘Equipment Authorization’ Junction Object: This new object joins Equipment and Team Member to create records that track the start and end dates of a team member’s instrument use authorization.
- New ‘Maintenance’ Custom Object: Track an instrument's maintenance history including the type of maintenance, frequency, related Instrument, and any associated child events.
- Child Library Code and Inheritance Enhancements: The child library custom configuration feature now allows users to designate custom two-character prefix codes for each child library record type. Previously, the two-character prefix codes were automatically assigned using the first two letters of the child library record type name. Users can also now pass down values from parent libraries to children using field sets.
- ‘Add Samples to Plate’ and ‘Add Libraries to Plate’ Page Enhancements: New features provide a better experience when interacting with these pages, including:
-The use of ‘shift’ to select a range of samples, with selected records remembered on subsequent pages
-Click anywhere in a row (not just the checkbox) to select the record
-Total number of records selected is displayed at the bottom of the page
-The header is sticky and persists when scrolling through the records
-The filter selector with disappear if there are no Sample/Library filters
- ‘Box Map’ Page Enhancements: The enhanced box interface allows for the selection and removal of multiple samples in a box. Select samples by clicking each sample, row, column, or the entire box at the top left hand area. Groups of samples may be removed by dragging them to the ‘Remove Samples’ area or by highlighting them and clicking ‘Remove Samples.’
- Hide Filters: Users can now hide filters so they won’t appear in the record selection pages (such as the ‘Add Samples To Plate’ and ‘Add Libraries to Pools’ pages). This is used when a filter is only created for a Supported Action. If there aren’t any filters on the ‘Add Samples to Plate’ and ‘Add Libraries to Plate’ pages, then the filter drop-down disappears as well.
- Parent Sample Lookup Field Names Updated: The Parent Sample lookup fields on the Aliquot and Derived Sample page layouts now include the sample type. The field names are labeled ‘Aliquot Parent Sample’ and Derived Parent Sample.’
- Add Pools to Lane Page Enhancements: Updates to functionality include:
-An option to configure which columns appear on a page via a new Pools object field set called ‘Add Pools to Lane Columns’
-The option to search through columns visible on the page
The ability to add filters
-The ability to remember the user's chosen page record count.
-Select the ‘Search’ button after adding search terms. (Previously, once typing ceased, the query would automatically process)
- CSV File Import Enhancements on Mass Field and Test Update Pages: During CSV file import, Lockbox imports everything in the correct format, or nothing at all. If individual lines import while others don’t, an error displays when clicking Save. Then you can correct the errors and click Save again, or Cancel the import. When selecting Cancel, none of the imported data is saved. Previously, lines formatted incorrectly could still be imported.
- Detailed feedback now indicates details about any rows responsible for import failure, so you can easily determine what needs to be fixed.
- Whitespace handling now allows the import of a cell with whitespace. The whitespace is treated as a null value.
- Handling of Invalid Picklist values now reflects the native Salesforce picklist validation rule set. If the Picklist is set to allow addition of new values, the Invalid value will be added as a picklist option.
- New Save Features on Mass Field Update and Mass Test Update. A Save button on both pages now allows you to remain on each page after saving data. A warning message appears for any unsaved changes, or if data is imported but not saved.
- Protocol Execution User Interface Updates. Supported Action buttons are aligned, and the Enter Test Results button is more visible.
- Filtering Added to Mass Test Update page. You can set filter criteria so only certain samples appear in a Sample List where test results are entered.
- Mass Test Update Enhancements. Mass Test updates include:
- The exported file name format now reflects YYYYMMDD_HHmmss to match the Mass Field Update export file name.
- The CSV export file method now matches the Mass Field Update page CSV export.
- The Mass Test Result VF page now reflects the Salesforce Lightning Experience.
- Semicolon-separated files can now be imported.
- To make the CSV Export feature similar to the Mass Field Update Export, the CSV Export feature only exports saved values.
- The Save button now says Save & Exit to better reflect the resulting action when you select it.
- Edit Plate Pop-Up Window Code Merged with Edit Procedure: The Edit Plate and Edit Procedure now appear in the same pop-up window. This change allows for Rich Text and multiple picklist fields to display in those windows.
- New filters in the Create Libraries and Create Derived pages: You can now apply filters on the Create Libraries and Create Derived pages. Previously, samples appeared on these pages. Now, you can add a sample filter to display specific samples on these pages.
- Add Libraries To Pool Page Search Enhancement: You can now search through the library of fields in the ‘Add Libraries to Pool or Lane Columns’ fieldset, rather than through a static list of fields.
- Edit Procedure Fields During Protocol Execution: You can now easily edit procedure fields directly during protocol execution by selecting ‘Edit Procedure’ to enter data related to that step.
- Configurable Child Library name: System administrators can create customer specific Child Library record types, including QC Library, DNA Library, and more. Lockbox LIMS automatically numbers the child libraries using the first letter of the record type: LibraryName_Q1, LibraryName_Q2, etc. now reflect the names of child libraries.
- Maintenance release - contains general system improvements for long term support.
- Semi-colon Separated Files Import Capability: Lockbox now supports import files separated by a semicolon (:), not just files separated by a comma (,) when creating import definitions, and importing during protocol execution. This change supports European customers with computers and devices that default to files separated by semicolons.
- CSV File Import Custom Close Button Update: The CSV file import Close button now appears in the far right window. Administrators now have four options for Close actions: 1) Back (returns to originating page) 2) Custom URL (goes to custom URL within Lockbox or external) 3) No Exit Component (do not exit) or 4) Custom Text Only (display custom text).
- Time Values Import by CSV: You can now include time values in CSV imports. The value must include three or four digits. A ‘P’ anywhere in a 3-digit field indicates PM. If there is no “P” or if there is an “A” this indicates an AM value.
- Configurable ‘Date Received’ Value When Creating Inventory: System administrators can configure which date appears by default. Options include today, a specific date, or can be left blank.
- Configurable Mass Create Inventory ‘Date Received’ Value: System administrators can configure which date appears by default. Options include today, a specific date, or can be left blank.
- Find Inventory Page Search Results Configured by Status and Expiration: System administrators can configure the query that returns inventory in the ‘Find Inventory’ page to include or exclude items based on inventory status or inventory expiration date.
- Default Edit Pools Field Set Created for Edit Pools: Protocol authors can easily configure the ‘Edit Pools’ supported action field set.
- Flow Cell Indexing Length Field Updated to 10 Characters: The Indexing Length field on the Flow Cell object has been updated to a maximum 10 characters.
- Inventory ‘Amount Reserved’ Field Label is now ‘Amount Required’: The name of this field now better reflects the meaning of the field contents.
- Dynamic Inventory Consumption: This new feature allows your lab to consume inventory based on dynamic attributes such as the number of samples, libraries, or pools on a plate. Previously, inventory consumption was static regardless of vial quantities.
- Procedure Based Inventory Creation and Consumption: Previously, inventory could only be listed by Protocol. You can now list inventory requirements by Procedure.
- Edit Plates With Field Sets: You can now view distinct fields when editing plates during Protocol Execution.
- New tab for CAPAs: A new CAPA custom tab allows for easy access to CAPA records.
- New ‘CAPA’ Object and ‘CAPA-Deviation’ Association Object: Lockbox QMS users can now create Corrective Action Preventive Actions (CAPAs). This is essential for regulated industries that must track remediation actions used to prevent deviations from occurring. The CAPA-Deviation junction object allows the association of multiple CAPAs to a deviation and multiple deviations to a CAPA.
- Updated Document Control Fields: Three document control fields (Referencing Document, Document Name, and Document Version) now have enhanced formulas.
- Create and Edit Pools Within a Protocol: NGS users can create and edit pools from within a procedure during Protocol Execution with the option to display two new buttons on the Execute Procedure steps page: ‘Create Pool’ and Edit Pool.’ After selecting ‘Create Pool,’ a screen prompts you to name the pool and associate it with a Plate and Box record. The plate ID value defaults to the associated plate ID for the protocol. This can also be modified to associate the pool to a different plate.
- Updates to Protocol Execution Data Entry Page: The Layout selections at the top of the Protocol Execution data entry page now display the Copy to Selected Rows option on a separate line. Column headers for Autofill now align with the rows underneath.
- Keep Aliquots in Same Box as Submitted Sample: Aliquots can now be assigned to the same box as the parent sample.
- Final ‘Complete and Next’ Returns to Plate: When you are on the last procedure in a protocol and select ‘Complete and Next’ you’ll return to the Plate record associated with the Protocol.
- Sample Aliquot and Derived Inheritance Field Sets Updated: Two field sets that govern which values can be passed from Submitted Sample to child records now include ‘Box ID’ (which box the Sample is in) and ‘Use Workflow Manager’ (a protocol execution option).
- Mass Create Inventory ‘Inventory Status’ Value Updated: When inventory is created, the Inventory Status is now based on record type default instead of ‘Received.’
- Associate Libraries to Virtual Plates: You can now add ‘Associated Libraries’ to virtual plate records.
- New ‘Add Libraries’ to Plate Feature: You can now add Library records to a plate, similar to how you can add Samples to a plate using a new ‘Add Libraries’ button.
- Protocol Execution Data Entry Page User Interface Updates: The actions displayed when groups of Samples and Libraries are edited in protocol execution are easier to use. These actions include Update Now, Calculate, Save Now, Save & Exit, and Apply to Selected Rows, and Copy to Selected Rows.
- New Document Control Module: This new module allows the creation of Controlled Documents, links to Training Records, and links to Team Members. Features include Approved Trainer, Controlled Document, Document Approval, Document Reference, and Training Record.
- Configurable Protocol Execution Buttons: System administrators can decide which buttons should appear above Protocol Execution pages.
- Associate Sample to Virtual Plate Error Message: An error message now displays when ‘Associate Selected Samples’ is clicked on the Associate Samples page without a sample selection.
- Updates to Execute Procedure User Interface: Updates to the execute procedure include:
- New actions: Quick Save saves all data and keeps you on the current procedure page. Save & Next saves all data and advances to the next procedure without marking all complete.
- Execute Procedure: This function UI is now compatible with Lightning.
- Page title updates: These now reflect the Protocol name and number of the current procedure.
- Protocol execution actions: System administrators can configure the options that display for users during protocol execution.
- Enhanced CSV Import Capability: A new CSV import engine supports extended CPU processing time during a CSV import. You can also cancel CSV imports by selecting ‘Abort.’ The data preview page now lists the sample records in the same sort order as in the original CSV file.
- New CSV Import Jobs Object: This object captures statistics related to CSV import jobs for any needed troubleshooting.
- New Rack Samples Association Object: This object allows a rack to be associated with multiple samples, and a sample to be associated with multiple racks.
- New Mass Consumption Inventory Behavior Setting: Configure how multi-use items respond within the Mass Consumption Inventory page. You can designate each individual item as ‘Consume Physical Parent’ or ‘Consume Virtual Children.’
- Mass Consumption Inventory Auto-Fill and Edit Options: Edit Inventory values during Mass Inventory Consumption by selecting ‘Enable Inventory Edit.’ Auto-fill is available once it’s enabled.
- Filter Object Functionality Updated: An enhanced filter function incorporates ‘Lanes’ as an object type. ‘Samples” is no longer the default selection.
- Add Libraries to Lanes Page Updates: The addition of two User Preference fields to the Add Libraries to Lanes page captures a user’s preferred number of records displayed on a page, plus the last filter used.
- Create Libraries Button On Sample List View: The Create Libraries selection on the Sample List View now points to a new visual force page.
- New Field Set: Add Libraries to Pool or Lane Columns: This field set is used in the Add Libraries to Lane and Add Libraries to Pool pages to specify which Library fields should appear.
- New Field Set: Add Libraries to Multiple Lanes: This new field set is used in the Add Libraries to Lanes page to specify which Lane and Flow cell fields should appear when selecting multiple Lanes to add libraries.
- Update to Character Amount Inventory Management Fields: The Item and Inventory Amount fields now include nine characters to the left of the decimal place, and four to the right, if your lab requires the use of larger number values.
- Box Type Default Set to Samples: The Box Type field on the boxes in Samples is now the default value.
- Filter Criterion Number Required for Population: When creating filters, the Filter Criterion Number now must be populated with a number.
- New Purchase Orders Object: You can now create and manage Purchase Orders related to lab supply management.
- Box Search Configuration: You can now create search filters for boxes. This limits the number of samples Lockbox searches to find a desired sample. An applied filter reflects the box attributes. For example, when a box only contains aliquots, an aliquot filter is applied.
- Libraries and Inventory: Add To Boxes: You can now place Inventory and Library records inside boxes.
- Box Field Name Changes: Improved Box features include the renaming of three custom fields: from Position Designation to Designation Type, from Remaining Capacity to Positions Remaining, and from Number of Samples to Positions Used.
- New Subject-Project Association Junction Object: Subject and Project actions now support one Subject associated with many Projects, and one Project associated with many Subjects.
- Designate Optional Columns in Import Templates: You can now designate optional columns during CSV import mapping. The interface includes updates like color coded messages. to reflect the scenarios associated with a data column.
- Specify when to Skip Rows in CSV Files: You can now skip rows on the top of CSV files during CSV file import, which is useful if your instrument adds headers to CSV files that aren’t part of the data set.
- Storage Management Library and Inventory Field Updates: New fields within sample, inventory, and library objects for storage management now include Box Position - so you always know which box your sample, inventory, or library is in.
- Add Filters and Pagination to multiple Pages: Create custom filters to apply when searching for samples to add to a plate on the Add Sample To Plate, Associate Samples to Plate, and Add Library to Pool pages.
- Filter Enhancement to support Lookup Display Names: Updates to the feature filter make it easier to use the filter when ID values are required. You can now apply filters to all use cases of the filter object, regardless of the ID value requirement.
- New Reference Standards Custom Object: Store testing references, including upper and lower limits, to have an at-a-glance view to determine whether test results are within range.
- Associate Samples to Virtual Plate Enhancements: You can now add Lookup fields as configured columns on the Associate Samples To Plate page.
- Execute Procedure Sample and Plate links now open in a new window: The link behaviors on Procedure Execution pages now open new window tabs when selected.
- Updates to Supported Actions Buttons: Supported actions buttons now include Samples, Libraries, and Samples-VP (for virtual plates) for users who aren’t updating sample records, but want to update formulas or other Protocol attributes.
- Maintenance release: This update includes general system enhancements for long-term support.
- New Item-Sample Association Junction Object: This new object supports many-to-many relationships for Samples and Items.
- Remove hidden quotation marks from CSV Files: The CSV file import process now automatically removes hidden quotation marks added by laboratory instruments. Files are processed without the need for manual intervention.
- Create Derived Samples and Libraries from Associated Samples: You can now create Derived Samples and Libraries from Associated Samples on virtual plates. The Derived Samples created remain associated with a virtual plate, but Libraries do not.
- Associate Samples to Plate Page Columns: This customization allows administrators to set which fields appear at the top of the Associate Samples to Virtual Plate page.
- New Index Custom Object: NGS users now have a place to store index values for seamless use in workflows and protocols.
- Lightning Styling to Legacy Pages: Salesforce Lightning styling now appears on all legacy pages, giving Lockbox users a consistent Lightning experience.