Lockbox QMS Document Control

Track Controlled Documents from Creation Through Revision

The Lockbox QMS Document Control system allows users to track controlled documents through revision, approval, and retirement. Users can store controlled documents, create new versions and route them for approval, and capture comments and revisions throughout the approval process. Together these features create a powerful and versatile document management software that is easily connected to other Lockbox LIMS and QMS modules.

Complete Document Control Software

Lockbox QMS Document Control enables you to track document versions, revision notes, and approvals. This secure, centralized, and searchable system is the key to efficiently managing all your controlled documents.

Controlled Document Management

With Lockbox QMS Document Control you can manage controlled documents as they undergo revisions and approvals, view historic document versions, and capture revision notes. This centralized document repository allows authorized users to easily search for and access their lab’s controlled documents.

  • Store all your quality documents in one location
  • Easily search for and retrieve controlled documents
  • Track current and historical controlled document versions
  • Use audit trails to track document visibility and changes
  • Restrict unauthorized users from accessing or making revisions to controlled documents
  • Capture comments and revision notes for each controlled document
  • Ensure only the latest approved version of a document is accessible

Automated Document Approval Workflows

Controlled documents can be moved through formal review, approval, distribution, and revision, all within Lockbox QMS. To ensure the correct lab personnel reviews each controlled document before it becomes active, controlled documents can be routed through customized approval workflows.

  • Easily configure one or more approval pathways for any document type
  • Automate employee approval handoff and automatically route revisions for approval
  • Automate notifications when documents have been approved
  • Track who reviewed documents and when they were approved
  • Capture approval comments and store historical document versions
  • Connect with Lockbox LIMS to ensure only approved documents are used in laboratory workflows

Built on the world’s most secure cloud computing platform

Integration Ready

Published APIs for easy integration with all major platforms

Safe and Secure

Built on the world's most popular cloud computing platform trusted by millions world-wide

Top Choice

Chosen by labs of all sizes, including industrial contract labs and university core labs

Reports and Dashboards

Report on metrics captured throughout your sample workflow

Experience the power of the Lockbox QMS Quality Management System today

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