Lockbox QMS Training Management

Create Virtual Personnel Binders for your Lab Team Members

Give your quality and lab managers the tools they need to manage employee training records and track training completion. With Lockbox QMS Training, team members can be notified of overdue training and managers can review training records in each team member’s Report Card. This centralized training repository works to ensure all lab members are up-to-date with their training requirements.

A Complete View of Your Team Members’ Training Requirements

Lockbox QMS Training empowers managers to view, track, and plan individual or group training requirements all in one place.

Lab Training Report Card

Lab managers have a 360° view of their teams’ training requirements and completion with lab training report cards. This makes it simple to review each team member’s training history, future training requirements, and current training status.

  • Quickly and easily visualize team members’ completed, pending, and past-due training requirements
  • Automate alerts and reminders for upcoming training sessions, expiring certifications, and overdue training activities
  • Retain all training certifications and past training records
  • Track training course participation and completion
  • View the protocols, equipment, and controlled documents the team member is trained on
  • Restrict protocol execution and equipment use based on training completion
  • Store each user’s training record in a training Report Card

Digital Training Plan

Use the Lockbox QMS Training Plan to automatically generate a list of training courses based on each team member’s roles and responsibilities. View training completeness across your entire organization.

  • Generate a curriculum of training courses based on each team member’s roles
  • Capture the training participants, training date, and trainer
  • Automate retraining by setting training frequency and reminder notifications
  • Assign team members as approved trainers for training courses
  • Receive automatic reminders and past-due notifications of pending or expired training requirements
  • Easily search by team member or training course to retrieve specific training records

Built on the world’s most secure cloud computing platform

Integration Ready

Published APIs for easy integration with all major platforms

Safe and Secure

Built on the world's most popular cloud computing platform trusted by millions world-wide

Top Choice

Chosen by labs of all sizes, including industrial contract labs and university core labs

Reports and Dashboards

Report on metrics captured throughout your sample workflow

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