Technical Advancements In Lockbox 2.0
- Enhancements in Lockbox 2.0 include Lockbox QMS, new query and flow supported actions, NGS end-to-end workflow, and CSV import enhancement.
- Low-risk, no-cost upgrade to Lockbox 2.0.
- Support for integration capabilities with new API versions in Lockbox 2.0.
- New objects to support Lockbox QMS and future product development.
- Continuous review of static resources and dependent packages.
- Constant product improvements that range from bug fixes to workflow enhancements.
- Periodic software verification to ensure everything functions as intended.
Upgrades Promote Laboratory Efficiency and Accuracy
Everyone wants to keep their laboratory running efficiently and accurately. Regularly upgrading your Lockbox instance ensures that the software your lab uses for critical tasks runs efficiently and accurately. The benefits of upgrading your Lockbox instance greatly outweigh the risks, and upgrades are included in your Lockbox subscription.
Upgrading is Low Risk and Included in Your Subscription
Upgrades can’t delete your data. If a new version of Lockbox no longer includes an object that is present in your org, that object and any records you created will not be affected. You can still create and edit records for the object indefinitely. The object simply becomes deletable and can be removed if desired. Page Layouts don’t change. Since upgrading Lockbox can’t change Lighting or Classic page layouts, your users won’t be confused or surprised by page changes.
The Salesforce platform manages and controls the package upgrade process, which ensures your data and settings are safe. If the upgrade fails for any reason, it is automatically rolled back to the pre-upgrade state.
Our software update methodology accommodates customers who frequently customize their org settings. We prioritize existing functionality whenever possible and carefully document cases where an upgrade could impact existing orgs. If an upgrade does cause problems, reach out to your implementation team. We will help you resolve the issue.
Supporting Integration Capabilities with New API Versions
Every piece of automation or custom code comes with an API version corresponding to the platform API on which it was built. Lockbox is built on the Salesforce platform, which contains inherent API integration capabilities. Third Wave Analytics has integration functionality specifically for NGS laboratories. The Salesforce platform and its API version are updated three times per year with each major release. These versions introduce bug fixes, security fixes, and new features. Using Lockbox 2.0 ensures that you have the most up-to-date API versions.
Additionally, Salesforce periodically retires old API versions to keep users on recent technology. Third Wave Analytics regularly upgrades the Lockbox API version for every component in the package to maintain compatibility and ensure that we stay well ahead of the Salesforce rolling retirements. An API upgrade will rarely affect existing integrations. Salesforce guarantees the support of an API for three years. When an API is scheduled to be deprecated or retired, there will be a year’s notice before that takes place.
Adapting to Evolving Lab Needs with New Objects
Lockbox 2.0 is committed to continuous improvement to meet evolving laboratory needs. Lockbox 2.0 contains many new objects to support the Lockbox QMS (quality management system) product. We’ve also included new objects to improve ease of use, facilitate product development, and support future Lockbox improvements.
Static Resource
Static resources are small pieces of code that are deployed alongside Lockbox LIMS. These are generally open-source packages included to supplement Lockbox functionality. We are continuously reviewing these resources, and update them whenever security vulnerabilities or new capabilities are identified.
Constant Improvements
The Third Wave Analytics Product Team is in constant motion, correcting bugs, improving the user interface, and enhancing workflows. Many of the changes to Lockbox are a result of our customer feedback and are a testament to our dedication to improving the laboratory software experience for all of our users. Our product team ensures that the latest technology and security features are utilized in new Lockbox versions.
Periodic Software Verification
Lockbox is clinically verified at least annually. During this process, our quality assurance team reviews thousands of test steps to ensure that all Lockbox features function as described. Periodic verification is not only required for regulated laboratories, but is essential for all our users. This process ensures that every aspect of Lockbox functions as intended, justifying our users’ trust in our software and its capabilities.
We use a GAMP 5 (Good Automated Manufacturing Practice), risk-based approach to verify and regression test every component of our Lockbox managed package (which is the base configuration of Lockbox LIMS). All the tests of our managed package are documented, recorded, and retained, as specified in Third Wave Analytic’s Control of Quality Records policy.
Lockbox 2.0 contains many new technical details, including expanded API support, new objects to enhance future Lockbox functionality, continuous security updates, and a commitment to improvement. Upgrading your Lockbox instance is low-risk and cost-free and ensures your lab stays up to date and running efficiently, all while maintaining data integrity. By keeping your Lockbox instance up to date, your laboratory can operate with confidence, knowing it is leveraging the most advanced and secure Lockbox version available. Don’t hesitate to contact your Engagement Director or Implementation Team about upgrading your Lockbox instance.